
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Support Democracy. Support Israel


  • By this same logic we should NOT support the U.S.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:22 AM  

  • Do some research. The U.S. military have not banned gays for some time now.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:27 PM  

  • You better not tell Stephen Harper about this - he may just do a complete reversal of his foreign policy.

    By Blogger leftdog, at 7:00 PM  

  • Anonymous (part 2...):

    You have a tenuous grasp on the US Military policy in regards to gay servicepeople. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy dictates that if one is in the military and has same-sex preferences, one must keep it a secret and not disclose it to anyone. In turn, the military will not go searching into the sexual preferences of its servicepeople.

    If, however, the military has ANY reason to believe that one of its members has same-sex preferences that have been acted upon (as in, any relationship, disclosure to ANYONE about same-sex preferences, etc) it will discharge that person.

    I suggest you be the one to do the research.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:24 AM  

  • Hmmm, so how are we supposed to support Israel? Sned them money so they can kill more Lebanese civilians?

    Excuse me for revealing my "left-wing" bias, but there is nothing strategically sound about a witch-hunt involving bombs. Israel is ruining Lebanon so that it can temporarily disable Hezbollah. Well, short of an occupation, Hezbollah will rebound, and Lebanon, now ruined, will become the new Iraq for terrorists. The pragmatist in me says Lebanon is being unfairly treated at the Middle East's Mel Gibson.

    By Blogger C. LaRoche, at 1:23 AM  

  • Jen Bond you beat me to it!

    By Blogger Joanna, at 11:36 AM  

  • Joanna,

    You can relate it to the Two Solitudes if you want :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:46 PM  

  • Also, Wasko, you gotta disallow anaymous posts. It is tres annoying and allows your little flame buddies to hide behind a mask of anonymity that I have a sneaking suspicion they probably don't deserve.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:47 PM  

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